Kaua'i Island United Way

Kaua'i United Way – 80 Years and More Caring for Kaua'i

Kaua’i United Way has served as our island's umbrella charitable organization since 1943.  We raise funds at people's places of employment, where we educate people about the need for and availability of social service programs on our island as well as the importance of getting involved.  Our volunteers carefully review the social service needs of our island annually and allocate funding where it is most needed in our whole community.  This allows us to maintain funding for ongoing needs, but also keep the flexibility to address emerging needs.  Throughout the year, staff and volunteers protect our donors' money by monitoring our agencies to ensure that meaningful services continue to be made available to the people of Kaua’i.  Without Kaua’i United Way, hundreds of thousands of dollars for vital social services would go uncollected.  Kaua’i United Way’s Agencies provide a broad spectrum of services to address the needs of our whole island, making life better for everyone who lives, or even visits, here.  Broadly, we categorize these as:

  • Disaster Recovery & Emergency Services,
  • Disease Prevention & Health,
  • Rehabilitation Services,
  • Family Services and
  • Youth Services & Problem Prevention Initiatives. 

A KUW volunteer visits every one of our agencies annually. Such agency monitoring protects our donor's hard-earned dollars and makes sure KUW is always on top of issues affecting our island and our agencies. KUW Agencies are very well vetted and monitored. This is our *guarantee* that money donated to KUW, or to any of our Partner Agencies directly, will not be wasted. 

Finally, and most importantly, every dollar we are able to distribute to our Agencies represents social services that reach those in need in our community making life on our island better for us all. 

Mahalo for your support of Kaua`i United Way!

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